|1 Anti Ödipus. Kapitalismus und Schizophrenie, Félix Guattari und Gilles Deleuze
| 2 Ansicht der antiken stadt pompei
| 3 (livre)
| 4 Case Study House 21 (Bailey House), Pierre Koenig
| 5 Motorhaube
| 6 Das Auge und der Geist, Maurice Merleau-Ponty
| 7 BEIGE POOL 70x160cm, Siebdruck auf Leinwand, 2021, Laura Dechenaud
| 8 OILY WATER 190x100cm, Gips, Autolack, Sprühfarbe, 2019, Laura Dechenaud
| 9 STICKY WAVE 16X45cm, zusammengeschweißte Stahlteile, Lackspuren, 2023, Laura Dechenaud
OILY WATER 190x100cm, Plaster, car paint, black spray paint
WAVE 110cm, copper pipe, pvc hoses, cable grip, clamp collar, liquid
BEIGE POOL (on the right) 67x152cm, silkscreen on canvas, 2021, in Ganz viel jeden Tag at Byvier, Cologne
BOULEVARD PÉRIPHÉRIQUE 200x80cm, 2017, plaster, car paint, steel in Depht over distance, DC Open 2019, Gewölbe, Cologne
MUR DE FUMÉE ROUGE (detail), studio view, 200x80cm, 2022, oil on plaster.
BEIGE POOL 67x152cm, silkscreen on canvas
SLOWLONGLIGHT (ORANGE) Steel tube, Murano glass, Led, 2023, in Kerze an / Kerze aus at Club Eigelstein, Cologne
SPONTANEOUS BAIN DE MINUIT 100x80cm, plaster, car paint, 2020, in PHANTOM at Byvier, Cologne
DRINKING OIL 70x65cm, oil and charcoal on plaster, 2023, in Zwei Jahre Ferien, Book release and exhibition with Weinspach at JUBG, Cologne
BEIGE POOL 65x150cm, 2021, silkscreen on canvas
CRYSTAL CLEAR SEA 21X25cm, 2022, welded steel pieces, lacquer residues
studio view, three-tone grey plaster with finger marks
STICKY WAVE 16X45cm, welded steel pieces, lacquer residues
| 1 Anti Ödipus. Kapitalismus und Schizophrenie, Félix Guattari und Gilles Deleuze | 2 Ansicht der antiken stadt pompei | 3 (livre) | 4 Case Study House 21 (Bailey House), Pierre Koenig | 5 Motorhaube | 6 Das Auge und der Geist, Maurice Merleau-Ponty | 7 BEIGE POOL 70x160cm, Siebdruck auf Leinwand, 2021, Laura Dechenaud | 8 OILY WATER 190x100cm, Gips, Autolack, Sprühfarbe, 2019, Laura Dechenaud | 9 STICKY WAVE 16X45cm, zusammengeschweißte Stahlteile, Lackspuren, 2023, Laura Dechenaud
WAVE 110cm, COPPER PIPE, pvc hoses, cable grip, clamp collar, liquid
DRINKING OIL 70x65cm, 2023, oil and charcoal on plaster
MUR DE FUMÉE ROUGE (detail) studio view, 200x80cm, 2022, oil on plaster
BEIGE POOL 67x152cm, 2021, silkscreen on canvas
SLOWLONGLIGHT (ORANGE) Steel tube, Murano glass, Led, 2023, in Kerze an / Kerze aus at Club Eigelstein, Cologne
BOULEVARD PÉRIPHÉRIQUE 200x80cm, 2017, plaster, car paint, steel in Depht over distance, DC Open 2019, Gewölbe, Cologne
CRYSTAL CLEAR SEA 21X25cm, 2022, welded steel pieces, lacquer residues
BEIGE POOL 65x150cm, 2021, silkscreen on canvas
studio view, three-tone grey plaster with finger marks
OILY WATER 190x100cm, 2019, Plaster, car paint, black spray paint
STICKY WAVE 16X45cm, 2022, welded steel pieces, lacquer residues
SPONTANEOUS BAIN DE MINUIT 100x80cm, 2014, plaster, car paint in PHANTOM at Byvier, Cologne, 2020
BEIGE POOL 67x152cm, 2021, silkscreen on canvas